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Why use Alternative or Complimentary Therapy?

Writer's picture: Beccy Smith CEO & founderBeccy Smith CEO & founder

The term ‘alternative therapy’ indicates the possibility of choosing a different course of action with the intention of treating a patient. It does not necessarily purport to a ‘better way’ or a ‘less effective’ choice. It is simply another route towards healing and can be complimentary to conventional medicine.

SCENAR - efficacious alternative and/or complimentary Therapy?

Mainstream Acceptance of Alternative Therapy

Traditionally, alternative therapies were considered inferior to conventional medicine. This is ironic, considering their long history and popularity across all continents. However, they are generally gaining credibility within mainstream medicine as science is slowly starting to develop technology to measure and understand why and how the therapies work. For example, Iridology is now incorporated into the curriculum in medical schools throughout Europe.

The fact that you are even reading this is significant. You are prepared to seek information in order to make a better informed decision about the health of those close to you, your horse or pet or even regarding your own-wellbeing.

We are each responsible for our own health and well-being as well as that of our environment and incorporating the animals in our care. When we or our environment or our animals become unbalanced or dis-eased (diseased) this leads to poor health and in some cases, premature death. The symptoms of the dis-ease may be varied in their appearance and/or subtlety. We as individuals need to seek to understand the causes and make steps towards finding a way to readdress the imbalances, ease symptoms and return to a state of equilibrium (balance).

The signs of disease before AEP are evidenced in the unhealthy hoof capsule before AEP (left)

Alternative therapy demands a holistic approach

Alternative therapy demands a holistic approach. This is where it differs to mainstream medicine. For example, a fictitious horse presented with hives (an immunological response) may be treated symptomatically by a conventional Vet via anti-histamine drugs. By comparison, a holistic Vet tends to seek to understand the cause of the dis-ease and may encourage the owner to make changes to the horse’s environment, thus avoiding continued or future exposure to the harmful causal factors. He or she may well prescribe anti-histamines but they may seek alternative and more natural compounds found, for instance, in homeopathic and herbal preparation. They may also seek to support healing by SCENAR or encourage Reiki energy healing.

The second approach encourages the horse to heal itself and accepts that this can only happen as long as the environment is conducive to the healing. It also encourages the owner to be more proactive and take greater responsibility for the welfare of their horse.The first approach seeks mostly to deal with the symptoms using (usually) synthetic (man-made) chemical preparations and often this equates to a ‘quick-fix’.

SCENAR success with Holistic Reflections

Prevention is ALWAYS better than cure, however, if one does sense dis-ease; personal experience has found a HOLISTIC APPROACH to be a superior method towards gaining equilibrium. Read how we helped our own horse Sun using alternative therapy after conventional veterinary approach failed here.

"Sun" life threatening and "incurable" sacroid tumour cured with alternative therapy!

A team approach should be encouraged

We encourage you to talk to health care experts, G.P’s and Vets and discuss your concerns and findings with them. We endorse proactive health care and promote free thinking without prejudice and will support you on your journey towards wisdom and ultimately; enlightenment.

Holistic Reflections provide therapies and consultations. If you would like to learn more about our top quality holistic services, please feel free to contact us today!

We also welcome feedback or comments so please feel free to leave a message.

Warmest well wishes,

Beccy Smith BSc(Hons) EBW DAEP


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