Beccy Smith BSc (Hons) EBW DAEP
Founder, CEO, EFL facilitator, Holistic Equine Podiatrist & barefoot trimmer, Equine Body worker, Therapist, Wellness Coach and healer.
Beccy has over 25 years equine industry experience and is a highly proficient and respected holistic equine podiatrist. Beccy is a qualified Applied Equine Podiatrist and Equine Sports Massage therapist. She is also a qualified BHS groom and has an honors degree in Equine Technology and Business and is a qualified healer. Beccy also helps people and is a qualified EFL facilitator and member of the HERD Institute, an SCENAR therapist and wellness coach. She is passionate about helping people and horses lead a better quality of life and spread compassion around the world for the benefit of all!
Beccy provides talks, presentations and demos on the topics of equine podiatry, holistic horse care and healing with horses.

Val Bell
Assistant Manager, Equine Team Leader, Reflexologist, Aromatherapy Massage Therapist, Reiki Master, Wellness Coach, SCENAR Therapist, Counsellor and Spiritual Healer.
Val has over 40 years experience as a nurse and for the last 30 years has been learning, teaching and performing a range of complementary therapies. Val is a competent energy healer, cook, gardener and horse woman. Val is passionate about caring for horses, growing and cooking healthy plant based food and loves to be outdoors and to experience different cultures.
Val uses creative arts in a relaxed and healing environment to help build resilience, promote relaxation and learn about ourselves. It is also fun and a great way to make new friends!
Would you like to become a team member and help people, animals and the land? Would you like to contribute by donating and help us help others? Learn how you can support us or make a donation today!

Holistic Reflections herd leader, matriarch, best friend to Turtle and gentle giant of the group!
Sun is a strong, compassionate and fair herd leader. She was born in 2002 and was bred to race. She is considered a 'thoroughbred' which is a type of horse chosen for speed and stamina. She came to us as a frightened and emotionally exhausted young 3 year old mare following race training and we adopted her after realising she had a sensitive nature and required special care and attention.
Sun has suffered a number of serious health conditions and accidents, including laminitis and a tendinous tumour in her front leg which could have claimed her life. Against all odds, Sun is remarkably healthy, has developed resilience and is more robust than ever! She is pasture sound and helps people during EFL sessions when she feels she chooses and when is needed. Oftentimes she will distance herself from people and we 100% respect her wishes to do so. Sun teaches us to listen to and trust your intuition and have the confidence to stand up for what you believe. She also teaches awareness of boundaries and acceptance.
When the fancy takes her, Sun loves to run and feel free to make her own choices. Developing the Equicentral System will provide more opportunity to exercise her free will in keeping with her nature. Sun absolutely adores her food. Carrots and apples as well as herbal treats seem to be her favourite! Sun can be very direct in her opinion but is one of the kindest and most loving beings we have ever had the pleasure of meeting!

Equine team member, best friend to Sun and the horse who makes us all laugh every day!
Turtle was born in 2006 and started her racing career as a 3 year old. It became clear she was a horse who didn't really like her "job" much and would rather play and be free to do whatever she wants!
Turtle joined us as a 5 year old after experiencing performance and soundness issues. She was prone to displays of frustration and anger and was quick to tell the humans around her that she needed a different environment! As soon as Turtle was introduced to the herd, Sun took her "under her wing" and she has been Suns "shadow" and best friend ever since!
Turtle has a very playful and cheeky nature and is very expressive about how she feels. She loves to move and loves nothing more than to run around, standing on her back legs and simply whinnys with joy! Turtle has learned that humans can listen and show compassion and she is a great ambassador for ex-racehorses and for demonstrating the depth of character of these magnificent beings. Turtles teaches us to have joy and to explore our boundaries. She also teaches us self expression and to have the confidence to state your emotions and and accept and love who you are.

The herd explorer, dancer and friend to those in need!
Flo was born in the autumn of 2003 as a result of an accident! She is 7/8ths Dutch Warmblood and has a very athletic movement desired by competitive riders. We backed her to be a ridden horse but we could feel she didn't want to or couldn't physically cope with being ridden, despite the vets encouragement to do so. Flo has been a non-ridden horse since she was 5.
Flo has been with us since she was a filly foal and has a very delicate and sensitive constitution. She has struggled with chronic health conditions and was examined by several leading vets as a youngster who all failed to diagnose her apparent weakness. Flo has taught us that the energy of the beings and environment can affect our health and those of the animals around us and for that we are very thankful. We have learned and are still learning to create together an environment which suits her constitution and supports her well being. Flo helps teach about self awareness, compassion and self care for before we can help others we need to know and help ourselves first.
Flo is the horse most likely to explore new objects and situations and volunteers to do so for the herd. She really enjoys walks around the forest. She loves to help people and other beings and will support others selflessly. As carers we need to be mindful of this and ensure she does not give more of herself than is good for her. She loves treats, especially apples and carrots and sniffing hair! When the mood takes her; she can display movement with such grace and joy it can bring us to tears!

Smallest herd member, the "cheeky pony" and EFL ambassador!
Nelly is a Connemara native breed of horse and tands around 13.3hh high which means he is actually a pony. He was born in 2000 and came to us as a 5 year old. He was unwanted and was not suitable as a childs pony as he simply didn't want to be ridden by children in the manner expected of him and he freely expressed this!
Nelly lost an eye as a youngster but copes vey well with this. He is confident, independent and very self assured. His attitude sometimes creates drama in the herd and he prefers time alone with humans and loves walks out and doing activities. He volunteers for EFL sessions and can display tenderness and sensitivity as well as great exuberance and joy! One of his favourite activities is to wait until all the other horses have come back to the loafing area at the top of the hill then he squeals with delight and gallops flat out with his tail in the air with a real "look at me" attitude!
Like his herd members, Nelly is prone to laminitis and has a sensitive constitution. He has melanomas and can suffer breathing issues so we are careful about his diet and management. Nelly teaches us daily that our challenges do not define us and that there is joy to be had every day! He also helps to teach us patience, acceptance and boundaries and will be very clear when you are not aware of or practicing this! He is a valued EFL team member and really enjoys working with people.

The herd member with the biggest heart who loves to eat and help teach leadership
Daffy is half Welsh Cob and half traditional gypsy cob, born in 2004. He was mis-handled as a young colt and was labelled a "problem horse". He came to us to be "fixed" but we could see how sensitive and vulnerable he was to further abuse so he joined us as a yearling.
Daffy struggles with chronic health issues and we are still finding ways to create an environment which will fully support his optimum health. We believe his early handling created in-balance and he is teaching us new ways to promote wellbeing. He is a giver, a trier and will willingly volunteer to help EFL sessions. We need to be extra careful he doesn't give too much of himself.
Daffy is a great teacher of energy and intention and will show you if you are not an energetic match to your intention. He has qualities which help people understand more about themselves and about leadership and is a valuable EFL team member. Daffy adores food and would like to eat grass and treats all day. He prefers to work in an enclosed environment and without the other horses. He loves to run around like a colt when the mood takes him and spins and bucks with loud snorts and a high tail! He is remarkably athletic and quick for a cob!