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Holistic Horse Health Event - Hoof Care | Animal Communication | Bodywork | Healing - September 15th 2019

Sun, 15 Sept


Lowgrounds Farm

Come and join us for another installment in our 'Experts Talk' series on 15th September for an enjoyable event full of practical ideas to support you and your horse. Our experts Beccy, Pam and Sandra will provide you with inspiration and easy tools to try out at home to become Holistic Horse Heroes!

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Holistic Horse Health Event - Hoof Care | Animal Communication | Bodywork | Healing - September 15th 2019
Holistic Horse Health Event - Hoof Care | Animal Communication | Bodywork | Healing - September 15th 2019

Time & Location

15 Sept 2019, 13:00 – 17:00

Lowgrounds Farm, Lowgrounds Farm, Plumpton, Penrith CA11 9NS, UK


About The Event

About the Event

Owners are faced with many challenges in keeping the modern domestic leisure and performance horse sound and well. Lameness and and poor performance caused by loss of homeostasis and health not only causes distress for horses and owners but and are very costly financially and in terms of lost time spent having fun with your horse!

This event will help you recognise loss of health and provide you with simple tools to help you readdress the imbalance and support health and performance in your horse so you and your horse can return to having fun!

Beccy, Sandra and Pam are looking forward to meeting you and supporting you on your journey with the horses you love. 

Event Fundamentals

  • Feel free to bring along a pictures of your beloved horses to share if you would like to. Drinks and biscuits provided! We recommend you bring warm outdoor clothing. A notebook and pen may be useful to take notes.
  • Tickets ar £20 and this is a strictly ticketed event. Cash sales on the door are not permitted. To avoid disappointment, please book your ticket early.
  • Pleaase arrive between 12.30 and 12.45pm for a prompt start at 1pm!
  • Ticket Refund Policy: Refunds are not provided and are only given if the event is cancelled by the event organiser (Holistic Reflections and representatives).
  • By signing up to this event you agree to our Terms and Conditions and will receive our newsletters. To view our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, please visit:


The venue for this event is   

Lowgrounds Farm, Plumpton, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 9NS

This event is in three parts:

1. Holistic Hoof Care Lecture by Beccy Smith - Holistic Equine Podiatrist, Therapist and Consultant

Lameness issues caused by poor hoof health are very common and seem to be on the increase. Recognition of early signs of loss of homeostasis can prevent the onset of more serious hoof disorders and prevention is always better than cure!

In this talk we will help you recognise a healthy hoof and foot and discuss a number of methods used to support horses hoof health holistically, which in turn help return health and performance in horses and prevent problems from developing in the first instance.

Topics include:

• Signs of imbalance and asymmetry in the horse/hoof

• Holistic Hoof care Applied Equine Podiatry

• Holistic Nutrition and responsible management for health

• SCENAR therapy and promoting correct posture/movement

This talk will help you:

  1. Identify what is a healthy (and unhealthy) hoof
  2. Assess the horse for signs of imbalance
  3. promote health and performance in your own horse

2. Lecture/demo with Sandra Davies - Animal Communication and Bodywork

We all love our horses and want to have the best partnership with them, being human we are evolving and can explore and learn new ways of being with our horses.

Do you get the sense that your horse is wanting to tell you something ? Wanting you to understand something ? 

Do you wonder ways the world is seen from your horses viewpoint ? What is important to them ?

Does my horse like/dislike being touched ? Why ?

Are any behaviour problems a result of pain ? Is it not just physical pain but memory and expectation of pain ?

Sometimes it can be difficult to see what is happening due to our closeness to them.

How many ways does what we do affect them both both in life enhancing or life negating ways?

These are some of the questions and dilemmas that can be answered by animal communication and bodywork. This lecture/demo will answer 3 questions:

  1. Animal communication and bodywork - what are they ?
  2. Why are they essential for every horse ?
  3. Can I learn techniques to help my horse ?  

What is animal communication ?

Animal communication comes from closing the left brain logic side of our brain and opening more into our right brain hemisphere, feeling emotions. Using the deeper capacity of all our senses to receive information. And yes! Sandra believes we can all do this.

Horses are emotional creatures like us - what  emotions are strongly present and why ?

Do our emotions affect our horses ? 

What is Bodywork ?

Bodywork can be physical and energetic. There are many modalities which can help in many ways.

Often horses (and people!) have had pain and trauma and do not feel safe or connected in their bodies. Their proprioceptive senses of body awareness can be 'offline'.

Bodywork can help them feel better, releasing tension, allowing flow and relaxation which is vital for any learning to happen.

Come and learn some releasing techniques which you can use for your horse.

3. Lecture by Pamela Jones - Living Magically With Your Horse | The Healing Partnership | Horse Human Harmony

Horses are a huge part of our lives, part of our family, part of our tribe. Discover how to create a healing partnership to benefit both you and your horse and bring about a deeper bond of trust, love and respect in your lives.

Together we will explore the healing continuum and how to move towards health and harmony. You will learn simple techniques to positively effect the health of both you and your horse and unlock the healing powers you probably didn’t even know you had! 

Everyone has the innate ability to heal themselves and others – now is the time to awaken your inner healer! Join Pamela and the collective horse herd as they show you how easy it is to work together and live a more magical life with your horses.

About the experts

Beccy Smith B.Sc.(Hons) MIAEP DAEP EBW of Holistic Reflections.

Beccy is a Holistic Equine Consultant, Equine Podiatrist,/Barefoot Trimmer, Wellness Coach and Therapist at Holistic Reflections (formerly Holistic Equine based in East Yorkshire) with 26 years industry experience. Beccy is a qualified Applied Equine Podiatrist, SCENAR therapist and Equine Sports Massage therapist. She is also a qualified BHS groom and has an honours degree in Equine Technology and Business. Beccy provides unique consultations and services for horses, pets and people in and around Cumbria, the Scottish Borders and the North of England. Together with her family, she is the caretaker of a herd of 5 incredible horses which live at their yard alongside their rescued dogs and cats on the fringe of the Lake District National Park. To learn about Beccy and the services and products provided by Holistic Reflections, please visit the Holistic Reflections Facebook page at or visit You can also find useful information about Beccy and her products, services, testimonials etc, at

Sandra Davies Animal Communicator, Bodyworker and Teacher

My equine journey began with being a 'horse mad' child leading to qualifying with the BHS. This opened doors for me working in a variety of centers and privately both in the UK and abroad over 10 years. I was fortunate enough to get my own competition yard in 1995 with many different horses and clients. I realized I was becoming more interested in complementary therapies which lead to qualifications in massage, cranio-sacral therapy and ReikI in 2000. Through this I began sensing more from the horses and took courses with a number of animal communicators and have offered this to clients since 2008. This has expanded into greater interest animal and human psychology and inter-relations. This lead to furthering my teaching qualification as an FEI adult teacher.

I work intuitively being drawn with resonance to what is arising in the 'field' - that is the energy of the horse and owner currently, yet not excluding any other factors that may around and influencing. My intention is to be aware of as much as I am capable of, noticing levels - mind, body and soul/spirit connections or/and disconnections, conscious awareness, unconscious factors, mirroring. I love working with the body sensing energetic status and the awareness of this. I find it such a humbling privilege to be able to work with people and animals to hear their stories and offer what I have, the intention to bring greater understandings between species, humans and animals and body awareness, empowering each and enhancing relationships.

Sandra can be contacted by email:

Pamela Jones - Quantum Consciousness Coach, Energy Healer and Teacher at Evolutionary Equine

Pamela is the founder of Evolutionary Equine delivering high quality courses, workshops, and talks which centre around the concept of living magically with horses. Pamela is a qualified Bio-Energy healer for both humans and animals with a particular interest in horses and the role they play in the development of human consciousness. Inspired by her own journey with horses and the support and guidance they have provided over the years, Pamela is dedicated to sharing their message with the world so that a new understanding of the partnership between horses and humans may emerge. Pamela encourages everyone to develop a healing partnership with horses based on trust, love and respect. Truly listening to their wisdom and connecting through your heart can affect the health of you and your horse in a powerful and positive way. Pamela can be contacted by email: and her website is


  • Ticketed Event Only

    Sale ended



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