Horse Ownership: Responsible, Sustainable, Ethical
We are enormous advocates of Equiculture and believe their principles and practices should be studied and considered for adoption in modern equestrian establishments; private and commercial.
We need to evolve how we care for our horses, for their needs, our needs and for the environment!
Receive 15% discount off our Equine Consultations if you sign up to Equiculture Membership!
Equiculture Membership!
This membership brings together all of the Equiculture resources (including The Equicentral System and The Horse Rider's Mechanic) and includes many other equine related subjects, such as behaviour, horse care, safety and much more. You get the books (as PDFs - with the option of or paperbacks, stacks of other materials including videos and you are GUIDED through it all via a private group (one on Facebook and one on the equiculture website - you choose).
Incredible value - a very small monthly (or annual) fee for a huge amount of very qualified education. You won't find anything else like it on the internet!
Equiculture Book Store
Books include The Equicentral System Book Series, The Horse Riders Mechanics Workbooks, Horse Properties - A Management Guide, and Buying a Horse Property. If you purchase The Resource, the Equicentral System Book Series is included in PDF format PLUS you can buy a printed version of all the books for a discount!
The Horse Riders Mechanic Online Course
The only toolkit created that takes care of the fundamental issues that hold you back as a rider
This Resource is now available as part of the the NEW and UPDATED Equiculture Resource! This membership brings together all of the Equiculture resources (including The Equicentral System and The Horse Rider's Mechanic) and includes many other equine related subjects, such as behaviour, horse care, safety and much more.

About the Author
Jane Myers MSc (Equine) studied the grazing behaviour of horses at the prestigious Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies (Edinburgh) - a world leader in veterinary education, research, and clinical practice.
Jane and Stuart have been horse owners/managers for many years. They have lived and kept horses in various climates ranging from temperate (warm/wet/cold) to tropical (hot/wet and hot/dry).
They have spent many years teaching horse owners around the world about better ways of keeping horses.
They were recipients of a Churchill Fellowship in 2012 to further study the subject of sustainability and horses.
They are the authors of several books about horses including titles published by CSIRO in Australia.
Holistic Wellness or Podiatry Consultations when you purchase the Equicentral Membership!
We want to help you, your horse and the environment be as healthy and happy as possible! So to help kick start you on your wellness path, if you purchase Equicentral Membership, you will receive 15% off our flagship services; Wellness and Holistic Equine Podiatry consultations. Simply email us to confirm you have purchased the Resource and use the code we then provide you to claim 15% off either consult at checkout.
This membership brings together all of the Equiculture resources (including The Equicentral System and The Horse Rider's Mechanic) and includes many other equine related subjects, such as behaviour, horse care, safety and much more. You get the books (as PDFs - with the option of or paperbacks, stacks of other materials including videos and you are GUIDED through it all via a private group (one on Facebook and one here on this website - you choose).
Incredible value - a very small monthly (or annual) fee for a huge amount of very qualified education. You won't find anything else like it on the internet! Follow the link to get 15% discount of the Resource!
Equine Wellness Consultations help you understand the needs of your horse and help create an environment where he or she will thrive! Consult includes a site visit and thorough evaluation of your horse and their environment including the relationship you have with your horse. You will receive a full report with useful and practical recommendations to help you, your horse and the environment too!
Alternatively, book a holistic AEP (Applied Equine Podiatry) consult where we focus on hoof health and include barefoot trimming service (where appropriate), spectrum of usability evaluation and recommendations.
Purchase The Equiculture Membership today to receive 15% off wellness or AEP consult fees (excluding travel)!